Friday, February 28, 2020

International Law - UN, NATO Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International Law - UN, NATO - Essay Example Twice in the annals of world history has there been marked deterioration in peace resulting in large scale usage of force to kill people and destroy nations that took centuries to build. The positive outcome of these two wars is in the form of United Nations to debunk any attempt by any of the nations to go to war. The history of peace can possibly look at to have started with the Peace of Westphalia in 1658 and the Treaty of Pyrenees in 1659 (Jackson RH & Owens P, 2005, p53). These treaties gain significance because of the recognition they gave to the nation states and their existence. Much of the work done during this phase of the long wars, brought about the thinking that resulted in the formation of League of Nations at the end of the First World War. With the end of the First World War, there was a wide spread thought of bringing lasting peace to the world. In line with Paris Peace Conference of 1919, the League of Nations was born (George Gill, 1996). But that was not to be. However, the formation and the failure of the League was a lesson in the formation of the United Nations later on after the Second World War. The thought process, as George Gill (1996) points out, was also influenced by the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928. In this precursor of a pact, sixty two countries signed for not u sing war for cases that can be resolved by using diplomacy. In the early days of the United Nations with countries existing mostly under the two separate units, more as a bipolar world, the rules were made to contain either of them. With NATO and the Warsaw Pact countries raging a cold war that sent them up into a spiral of weapons race and tall claims of technological marvels the UN was a table to bring both the groups together (Bruno Simma, 1995). The significance of every one of the Articles in the UN Charter should be examined under this purview. It should also be noted that with the rapid change in the political climate of the world and the world moving from the bipolar to a unilateral structure, many of these Articles could lose their sheen. The Articles of the UN charter (Charter of the United Nations, 2007) that is of interest in the current context are the following: Article 2(4):- [a]ll Members [of the UN] shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations. While this article provides for the complete ban on the use of force, there are specific exceptions that the UN Charter allows (Bruno Simma, 1995). These are essentially in the form two Articles that provide for these instances of exception. Article 51:- Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Biohacking in the mass market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Biohacking in the mass market - Essay Example This hacking ethic has resurfaced again in garages, kitchens and closets all throughout the world. In this modern world, the practice of soldering circuit boards and programming in FORTRAN has been replaced with splicing DNA and cloning bacteria. These practices in particular are referred to, what is called in today’s world, as bio-hacking. Bio-hackers involved with this practice, manipulate the building blocks of life thereby advancing knowledge and creating new life forms with novel purposes. As has been witnessed in the past few decades, computer hacker movement sparked a revolution in the field of computer science and information technology. The revolution increased the pace at which technology had progressed thereby permanently changing the societal landscape. Similarly, it is expected that the bio-hacker movement or rather the practice of bio-hacking will have a parallel effect on the technologies solely based on biology. These changes will not only bring about a massive development in the field of science but will also fundamentally alter human experience itself. The pioneers of this regime shift would be today’s bio-hackers. ... This is primarily because with proper information more and more people will gain expertise about this product and eventually will be able to make an informed decision regarding their usage and utility (Alba and Hutchinson, 1987). The underlying idea of this business is to distribute and install the body modifications using an agreement with a chain of tattoo studios. The product that will be offered to customers is magnetic implant which is another form of body piercing. According to Brownlie and Saren (1991, p. 35), â€Å"the marketing concept defines basic benchmarks against which marketing practice, i.e. what organizations can be judged.† In order to make a successful business venture, all those benchmarks need to be met. The result of these actions can be easily measured by the market share and profitability that the business will achieve, once it has fully implemented all the marketing strategies. One of the primary drawbacks related to this business approach is that it i s a completely unexplored area and henceforth it is going to be comparatively difficult for the owner to assess the risk associated with every operation. In addition to that, the pricing of the product will be a cause of concern as there is no relative market to compare the prices in order to set it accordingly. There is a potential failure associated with the pricing of the product. If the product is priced too high, then it will trigger a negative signal within the target market and as a result, the consumers might choose to refrain from availing products from this entity. Furthermore, another cause of failure that can be attributed to this business approach is the potential side